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Osnovna škola "Župa Dubrovačka" Mlini





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0. 7:10 7:55
1. 8:00 8:45
2. 8:50 9:35
3. 9:40 10:25
Veliki odmor 10:25 10:45
4. 10:45 11:30
5. 11:35 12:20
6. 12:25 13:10
7. 13:15 14:00
8. 14:05 14:50

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broj 28




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Intervju s učiteljima iz Španjolske
Autor: Administrator , Nataša Bebić Bačan, 3. 6. 2024.




Anamarija Cumeljan, članica Vijeća učenika, intervjuirala je učitelje iz Španjolske koji su od 20. do 23. svibnja boravili u našoj školi u sklopu aktivnosti promatranja nastave (job shadowing). U nastavku pročitajte Anamarijin članak napisan nakon razgovora s njima, koji ne samo da pruža uvid u razmjenu znanja i iskustava između učenika i učitelja, već i naglašava važnost međunarodne suradnje u obrazovanju. 





                                      Visit of teachers from Spain 

Between May 20 and 23, primary teachers from CEIP José García Planells, Manises, near Valencia in Spain, visited our school. Silvia Alfaro Gustavino is a kindergarten teacher. She had always helped her classmates, and she had always dreamt about being a teacher. She accomplished her dream by becoming one. Jesús Pérez Almenaro is a primary teacher. He wanted to be a history teacher, but he liked primary teaching more because he liked to work with younger children. Pedro Antonio Quiralte García is an English teacher and a P.E. teacher. First, he wanted to be a P.E. teacher, but then he started learning English and became an English teacher too.  

The Spanish education system is a bit different from Croatian. Primary school starts with a kindergarten for children from 3 to 6 years old. They go to primary school until they are 12. Then, they go to secondary school. The classes start at 9 a.m. and finish at 2 p.m., but students can stay at school after 2 p.m. for extra-curricular activities. 

The education system has changed since they started working, so, just like our teachers, they had to adopt new methods. 

In their school, they focus on environmental awareness and do activities to make children aware of the problem and separate waste.  

There is no dress code, so students can wear what they want, but if teachers see someone wearing an inappropriate outfit, they call the parents and warn them. There is usually no bullying in their school, but in case there is, teachers also talk to parents about it. Their students are not allowed to use mobile phones during classes, but if someone needs to bring a mobile phone to school, the teacher will take it at the beginning of the lesson and then give it back to the student at the end.  

We showed our guests around our school and introduced them to the way of work in school. At first, they were surprised because we moved classrooms for different classes. They were amazed at our students' English speaking skills, how friendly and polite they are and how they respect their teachers.  

During their job shadowing activity, the teachers learned about our Erasmus+ project ''Better Together'', the STEM project and Robotics. They attended English lessons and Art lessons and exchanged teaching methods and experiences. Also, they visited the kindergarten and saw how little children learn through play.  

Our guests were satisfied with their job shadowing experience and would like to implement some practices they observed in their school curriculum. It was a beneficial experience for everyone involved. 

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